A few weeks after a headmistress in one school in Uttar Pradesh bit a teacher who had seen her giving her a facial, the headmistress of another school was seen on camera abusing a teacher who had allegedly arrived...
Know MoreIn a devastating incident, a 48-year-old school teacher named Sukanya, along with her twin sons Nikhit and Nishit, reportedly took their own lives by setting...
Know MoreFollowing a confrontation in Muzaffarnagar's Civil Lines area, an Uttar Pradesh Police head constable shot and killed a teacher, an official said on...
Know MoreA 5-year-old student was subjected to a shower of slaps from her instructor in an act of extreme authoritarianism following the girl's purported failure to...
Know MoreA state minister informed the legislature on Monday that the Mizoram government has dismissed a teacher for allegedly disclosing the social science question paper from...
Know MoreYou still have the choice to remain as the boring teacher with a stick before the blackboard, but you can be sure that the only...
Know MoreOn a fateful Friday in Paladka, Arambur, Padmanabha, a devoted teacher hailing from Arantodu village, met with a fatal...
Know MoreA school teacher in the United States has been arrested for giving students as assignment to write about killing a...
Know MoreThe outrageous dowry prices of BPSC-passed teachers in Bihar are causing a...
Know MoreSchool is a second home and teachers are our mothers, they say. This is regarding the recent case where a student in a classroom, on...
Know MoreIn a country where one has to be especially careful about respecting each other’s religious beliefs and sentiments, here is a sad case where a...
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