In a devastating incident, a 48-year-old school teacher named Sukanya, along with her twin sons Nikhit and Nishit, reportedly took their own lives by setting themselves on fire inside their residence in JP Nagar. The tragic event unfolded on Wednesday morning, leaving the community in shock.
Financial Struggles and Losses
Initial investigations by the police suggest that the family was grappling with financial difficulties. Sukanya’s husband, Jayanand, who operates a wooden dyeing manufacturing unit, was reportedly facing substantial losses, adding to their distress.
Heartbreaking Discovery
Jayanand was reportedly in the living room reading the newspaper when neighbors alerted him to thick smoke emanating from the bedroom window. Upon investigation, the devastating truth was revealed – the bodies of Sukanya and her twin sons were found charred inside the bedroom.
Professions of the Deceased
Sukanya was a dedicated school teacher, while her sons pursued careers in technology and animation. The loss of their lives has left a profound impact on the community.
Community in Mourning
The tragic incident has sent shockwaves throughout JP Nagar, prompting an outpouring of condolences and support for the grieving family and friends left behind. Authorities continue to investigate the circumstances surrounding this heartbreaking event.
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