Bengaluru has become home to Asia’s first dedicated command and control centre for space domain awareness. The state-of-the-art facility was inaugurated Friday at the newly opened global headquarters of Digantara, a space situational awareness (SSA) company. The 25,000 sq ft...
Know MoreIn this article we explore five insider secrets to help you navigate the IPO...
Know MoreStudies suggest that Triptorelin is a synthetic decapeptide that is used in contained research settings to suppress testosterone levels in cases of prostate cancer. Learn...
Know MoreThere are twelve major tectonic plates that make up Earth's stiff outer shell, and one of the larger ones, the Pacific plate, is presently breaking...
Know MoreRemarkably, Tathagat Avatar Tulsi, a gifted physicist who was once considered a child prodigy, is currently...
Know MoreYoghurt is not only good for your gut, but could lift your mood as well, according to a study.Researchers at the University of Virginia School...
Know MoreEarly detection of your risk of chronic conditions like heart diseases, diabetes, obesity and others may be as easy as visiting your dentist, according to...
Know MoreResearchers are now developing and using methods based on artificial intelligence (AI) to recognise the tempo and stages of embryonic...
Know MoreResearchers have identified four drugs that can reverse a cellular process triggered by Covid-19 that contributes to premature ageing of the...
Know MorePeople with long-Covid exhibit patterns of changes in the brain that are different from fully recovered Covid-19 patients, according to...
Know MoreResearchers have found an unprecedented resurgence in the invasive meningococcal disease after the easing of control measures imposed during the Covid-19...
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