News Karnataka
Sunday, June 30 2024

IIT’s Youngest Professor at 22, Faces Job Termination

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Remarkably, Tathagat Avatar Tulsi, a gifted physicist who was once considered a child prodigy, is currently unemployed. Tulsi was born in Bihar on September 9, 1987, and finished school at the age of nine. He achieved a historic first by earning a BSc degree at Patna Science College at the age of eleven. A year later, he finished his MSc at the same college. Tulsi continued his studies by pursuing a PhD at the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore, reaching this significant accomplishment at the tender age of 21.

In 2010, Tulsi was offered a position as an Assistant Professor on contract at IIT-Mumbai, but his employment took an unexpected turn in 2019. According to Tulsi, his services were terminated by the IIT-Mumbai management after an extended leave due to illness.

Tulsi’s health struggles began in 2011 when he experienced a high fever, later diagnosed as an allergy. Taking a four-year leave from IIT-Mumbai, he relocated to Patna in 2013, where he has been residing since. Unfortunately, in 2019, he was officially dismissed from his position. Currently, unemployed, Tulsi has turned his focus to studying law.

His academic journey began with his application for a PhD program at the age of 17, earning praise from the then-physics department dean at IISC as a “good boy, very lovable, and working to achieve his goals.” The topic of Tulsi’s PhD thesis was “Generalizations of the Quantum Search Algorithm,” and he co-authored a research manuscript titled “A New Algorithm for Fixed-point Quantum Search” with Lov Grover, though the research was never published.

Once hailed as one of the most talented Asian children, Tulsi received nicknames such as “Superteen” by Science, “Physics Prodigy” by The TIMES, and “Master Mind” by The WEEK.

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