Priyanka Chopra recently offered glimpses into her current life, showcasing moments featuring her husband, Nick Jonas, and their daughter, Malti Marie...
Know MoreAn upcoming documentary titled "Women of My Billion," backed by actor-producer Priyanka Chopra Jonas, is set to debut on Prime Video on May 3, as...
Know MoreDuring a recent trip to India, Priyanka Chopra, accompanied by her husband, actor-singer Nick Jonas, her daughter Malti Marie, and her mother, Madhu, made a...
Know MorePriyanka Chopra took to Instagram to share a heartfelt Valentine's Day post dedicated to her...
Know MorePriyanka Chopra, who is currently on vacation with her family, has dropped an adorable glimpse of her sweet munchkin Malti Marie Chopra...
Know MoreAfter opening a can of worms in a podcast, Indian actress Priyanka Chopra Jonas got into a sticky situation as she referred to the Telugu...
Know MoreThe romantic musical 'It's All Coming Back to Me', with the music of Celine Dion, also starring Priyanka Chopra will release in Feb...
Know MoreActress Priyanka Chopra Jonas, who was appointed the UN Goodwill Ambassador in 2016, has strongly reacted to the crisis in...
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