New Delhi: An upcoming documentary titled “Women of My Billion,” backed by actor-producer Priyanka Chopra Jonas, is set to debut on Prime Video on May 3, as announced by the streaming service. Directed by Ajitesh Sharma, the documentary follows the real-life journey of Srishti Bakshi, who undertook a 3,800 km walking pilgrimage from Kanyakumari to Kashmir over 240 days. Her mission was to uncover and share stories about women, their challenges, aspirations, rights, and victories, despite facing numerous obstacles, according to a press release.
Produced under Priyanka Chopra’s banner Purple Pebble Pictures in collaboration with Apoorva Bakshi’s Awedacious Originals, the documentary aims to spotlight the enduring struggle of women against entrenched gender biases. Priyanka Chopra expressed her vision for the project, stating, “Women have endured silent battles against social injustices for too long. With ‘WOMB,’ we aim to transcend these struggles and inspire hope.”
She emphasized that “WOMB” isn’t merely about portraying pain and suffering but serves as a rallying call for solidarity and action. Priyanka hopes the film contributes towards a world where every woman is valued, respected, and empowered to achieve their fullest potential.
Prime Video describes “Women of My Billion” as shedding light on the realities faced by women in India, highlighting their various trials and challenges. Manish Menghani, director and head of content licensing at Prime Video India, emphasized the streaming service’s commitment to showcasing narratives that inspire change.
Menghani praised Srishti Bakshi’s efforts to raise awareness and take tangible steps to combat violence against women and empower them. He expressed gratitude for collaborating with Purple Pebble Pictures and Awedacious Originals to bring this important documentary to audiences in India and worldwide.
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