Malavika Hegde found herself thrust into a formidable position upon inheriting the leadership of Cafe Coffee Day (CCD) following her husband's untimely passing. Armed with determination and a sense of duty, she embarked on a mission to rescue the beloved...
Know MoreK Jayaprakash Hegde, the Congress candidate from the Udupi-Chikmagaluru constituency, has offered clarification regarding recent media reports alleging derogatory statements about his BJP rival Kota...
Know MoreSpeaking in Udupi on Wednesday, March 20, Congress leader Jayaprakash Hegde underscored the significance of prioritizing local issues in the upcoming election campaign. He stated...
Know MoreAs the 2024 general elections approach, the Congress party is exploring the possibility of bringing back J P Hegde to contest the Udupi-Chikkamagaluru seat in...
Know MoreProf. M. Balakrishna Shetty, Principal, Sri Ramakrishna College, Mangaluru, said that the role of teachers in shaping the lives of students is crucial in shaping...
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