In Bengaluru on Monday evening, torrential rain and strong winds caused a piece of an under-construction building to collapse on top of a 17-year-old girl who received severe head injuries and her mother who broke fractures. The event happened within...
Know MoreThe man, on arriving on a flight from New York, decided to walk, so as to give the wheelchair to his wife, who accompanied him...
Know MoreFour persons were reportedly killed and 35 others severely injured following the collapse of a chimney at a brick kiln at Basirhat in North 24...
Know MoreAfter a landslide caused a portion of the structure to collapse on Sunday, trapping at least 35 workers inside an under-construction tunnel on the Yamunotri...
Know MoreTwo construction workers were killed on Wednesday when a portion of a compound wall of a private wedding hall collapsed on...
Know MoreAn elderly woman and her 20-day old granddaughter were killed when their house in Jeerala village here collapsed due to incessant rains on Tuesday May...
Know MoreFive people were injured after an apartment building collapsed in Marseille city in France, according to a media...
Know MoreTorrents of Antarctic meltwater are slowing the currents that drive our vital ocean ‘overturning’ – and threaten its collapse....
Know MoreAn incident of barricades collapsing during the landing of a helicopter carrying Union Minister Pralhad Joshi was reported from Vijayapura district on...
Know MoreThe UK government is working on a plan so that UK tech firms caught up in the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) won't run...
Know MoreA massive landslide has halted search and rescue efforts at a collapsed coal mine which left 53 people missing in China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,...
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