News Karnataka
Sunday, June 30 2024

Bajrang Punia Denies Doping Sample Refusal

Bajrang Punia
Photo Credit : AFP

After news emerged of his temporary suspension order, Bajrang Punia, an Olympic bronze medalist, addressed the situation on Sunday, emphasizing that he did not decline to provide his sample for doping testing. “I’d like to clarify regarding reports on my doping test. I did not refuse to give my sample; rather, I raised concerns about the expired kit sent to collect it. I simply requested clarification on the course of action taken regarding this issue. I urged them to provide a response and assured them of my cooperation in providing the sample. My legal representative, Vidhusphat Singhania, will address this notice promptly,” Bajrang stated on X platform.

Earlier, according to a report by The Tribune, Punia was reported to have declined to provide his sample during the selection trial on March 10, leading to the National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA) issuing him a notice.

An official release from NADA dated April 23, stated, “In compliance with paragraph 4:1:2 below and pursuant to article 7.4 of the NADR 2021, Bajrang Punia has been provisionally suspended from participating in any competition or activity until a final decision is reached following a hearing on this matter.”

The release further outlined options available to Punia, including requesting a Provisional Hearing or an expedited hearing as per Article 8 of the NADR 2021, following the imposition of the provisional suspension.

“Decisions regarding Provisional Suspension are subject to appeal in accordance with article 13.2 of the NADR 2021. In addition to the aforementioned rights, you have until 07/5/2024 to provide an explanation to NADA India,” the statement concluded.

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