Each one of us see the world in a different way.Pictures are undoubtedly the best platform to showcase our vision. Photography also helps us document different moments, so that they can be enjoyed over and over again in the future. At times these old memories are a reason to smile on “in vacant or in pensive moods.”
We can share memories across the globe in seconds. Photography is an invention that has revolutionised the way we see the world. We can visit places without leaving our home. We can share adventures with friends in another city and we can watch grandchildren grow up thousands of kilometers away.
There was a time whenever a person dropping a small-box around his neck, the so called photographer would arrive and make the people happy. During those days, to click the pictures is a great joy. The majority of households had no cameras, therefore, one has to go to the studio to click the pictures, frame them and hang on the walls of their house, a great joy indeed.
The moment someone says photographer, we visualizes photographers who are clicking the pictures for passport size photos, family photos and wedding occasions.Meanwhile, these professional photographers remained committed to their professions and mothering beyond. The photojournalists had to be always ever creative. They are essential to cover any event. If they are not present at the event, means there is no much charm. Nonetheless, if these photojournalists who always rush to the newsroom with pictures of different programmes, incidents etc are unavailable; the media house depending on their services will not be able to bring out the daily newspaper.There are valid reasons, because a single picture shot by a photojournalist can signify a report of one page filed by a journalist.
As the technology advances, everyone has cameras. In one way, everyone is a photographer as one desirous of taking shots. Its a fact that one cannot call all those who take pictures are photographers.
What is a big deal in clicking a few shots? Anyone can raise this question. However, its not a easy task to make justice for ones shot.
The photojournalists have a greater challenge of keeping abreast with news coverage and always on their feet, amidst pressures but are expected to be creative at all times.
There are hundreds of photographers in our midst, but one cannot call all of them professionals. Because, one does not becomes a professional photographer by mere clicking a few pictures. In order to become a top photographer, one has to develop the skills and professionalism in his profession. Therefore, among thousands of photographers in our midst, only a few become well known photographers.
For some photography is a hobby while for a few its a profession, in this context each one is recognized separately in the society. There lies greater difference among a photographer engaged in clicking pictures of programmes or events and a photojournalist working in media. The photojournalist is expected to be creative at all times. Nevertheless, he should have an ability to minutely observe the situation, courage and go along with changing times.
Usually we get to see hundreds of rare sceneries, but we would not feel special about them. But, a photographer becomes successful by taking one of such scenery in his predetermined angle that would be more appealing. A photographer may take a day, week or months together to click a few very rare pictures. For example, a photographer who had spotted a rare bird in the dense forest, and captures the shots of nesting, laying the eggs, hatching, chicks coming out of the eggs and mother bird feeding the chicks, etc and shows it to you, we would exclaim “wow” but none of us would realize how much the photographer had struggled sacrificing his time, energy and money in capturing such rare shots. Its also an impossible task for everyone to capture the shots of floods, wars, earthquake and other tragedies. It needs courage and presence of mind.
The photography sphere has gone through many stages. All these developments have not taken place all of a sudden; one should agree that it has developed in stages. Several people tried their own techniques to experiment and thereby contributed for the photography development. Their inventions, research have led to produce latest cameras that are able to click the desired shots so easily ever by amateur photographers.
If you turn the pages of history, you will come across the ways and means that contributed for the growth of photography. There are hundreds and thousands of photographers who tried to innovate.
Among them French national Nikkefore Naipse (1765 to 1833) was the worlds first photographer. Veraval, who was born in Vadodara, Gujarat was the first Indias woman photographer. The black and white pictures of Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Lal Bahadur Shastry, Indira Gandhi that we see are the pictures clicked by Veraval.
August 19 is being celebrated as Photographers Day world over. Its our duty to convey best wishes to photographers fraternity, who capture the pictures of significance that binds the hearts and pricks the conscience, all through their shots.