By Raviraj Kateel
Mangalore : We all love honey, but not honey bee hives. People dread to go anywhere near a place where they can spot a bee hive for fear of getting attacked by bees. There are a few who dare to go near a bee hive to collect honey by releasing smoke or by not bothering if they get stung by a few bees.
But, believe it or not, here is a group of youth from Odisha who collect honey from bee hives with effortless ease without any precaution. It is pertinent to note here that though these boys place their hands directly on the bee hives, the bees do not sting them. Even if they fly around, the youth are unharmed much to the amaze of many.
These lads from Odisha are Arjun, Bharanthi and Karan. Since the past three months, removing bee hives found in apartment complexes and big buildings in Mangalore, has been their profession.
What’s the secret behind this? The youngsters say they have been in the profession since the past several years and their experience helps them do their work with ease without any trouble.
To see them dip their hands inside the bee hive, collect the honey and then sell it on roadsides, is indeed a wonder.