News Karnataka
Wednesday, February 12 2025

Living with the fear of Psycho Jaishankar

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Everyone feared the worst when serial killer psycho Jaishankar escaped from heavily guarded central prison.  The police department owned up the responsibility for psycho Shankars escape for lax in their security, which led to nabbing the notorious criminal psycho Jaishankar within a week. 
But here was this man Prakash Hootagi and his family, living near Bilagi in Bijapur who were more worried about their safety, no sooner the news of psycho Jaishankar’s jail break was telecasted in a popular TV channels.

Now you must be wondering what is the connection between the Two?

Jaishankar was arrested in Bilagi during 2011. It is in Bilagi psycho Jaishankar gave out a clue to the police that he is in Karnataka, by making a call from the mobile phone of a man that he had killed earlier. He had hopped into a truck in Tamil Nadu and arrived in Bilagi, where he had sold the mobile handset to the truck driver.  The police tracked the truck driver while using the handset from IMI number.  The truck driver informed the police about a man to whom they dropped at Chitradurga.  Jaishankar had indeed reached Chitradurga and stole a motorcycle to arrive at Bilagi during May 2011, after committing over 20 crimes both in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka.

Prakash Hootagi is a farmer, while Prakash’s wife Chandralekha used to be busy in the field whole day. While Prakash was working in the neighbouring field, this was when Jayshankar who was observing her from far, asked her to give him some water.  When she arrived to give him the water, he tried to rape Chandralekha who cried for help.  Prakash and his friend rushed to the spot, when Jaishankar fled from the scene.

The people of Bijapur are generous who always feed the hungry, but there are no instances that they have never let anyone who tried to harm them. Both Prakash and his friend, joined by villagers nabbed Jaishankar and thrashed him like a straw and handed over to Jalaki police station.

None knew he was psycho killer Jaishankar

Neither Prakash Hootagi family and villagers, nor the police knew he was truly killer psycho Jaishankar who had escaped from Tamil Nadu.  Jaishankar was handed over to Jalaki police on May 3 2011 and the policemen treated him like any criminal till May 5.The police were about to release Jaishankar after a few days in lock up giving a warning, because he was badly beaten by the villagers.  

Meanwhile, an alert police officer realized the man in custody was not a petty criminal but none other than killer psycho Jaishankar, whose photo he had seen in daily newspapers and in visual media.  The luck ran out for poor Jaishankar who would have easily let him scot free by the unsuspecting police.

When Prakash Hootagi family learned of Jaishankars jail break, they worried of him taking vengeance.  Prakash family sought the security from Jalaki police.  However, now Prakash family is relieved of their fear after Jaishankar is securely back in prison guarded by armed guards.

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