News Karnataka
Thursday, September 12 2024

Children make teaching profession beautiful: Prof Ronald Pinto

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Mangaluru: The eighth episode of Career Guidance with Prof. Ronald Pinto on Teaching as a Career was premiered on Friday November 5.

Brian Fernandes, Director of Spearhead Media Group hosted the show by NewsKarnataka, which is powered by Loyala College, Bengaluru.

Prof. Ronald Pinto who is the Director of the Institute for Individual Development, Mangaluru, specifically talked about Teaching as a Career.

Ronald Pinto said, teacher is an integral part of development of a child. Parents give physical appearance but it is the teacher who helps in shaping their intellectual development. It is noble profession. Many teachers are not in this profession for money alone but also for self-satisfaction. I met a teacher who though had difficult family life, the teaching profession helped her forget the same. Children’s smiling faces in the school acted like a balm for her pain.

“Children make the teaching profession beautiful. Though the salary is low in this profession, the a teacher gets is unmatched,” he added.

Further he said, if one decides to become a teacher there are various courses one can take up. Montessori course for nursery teachers, TCH for elementary teachers, B.Ed for high school teachers, and Master’s degree for PUC among others are some of the courses. For teachers opportunities are plenty in both public and private sector. Teachers face many problems as they are answerable to management, principal, students and parents at the same time. And they are entrusted many other works apart from teaching, especially in public schools where teachers are appointed for census, election duties etc. Inspite of all these things during Covid pandemic many private school teachers were getting half of their salaries. Teacher have to prepares even after the class for the next day. Nowadays there can be corruption seen in teaching. Many people came to this profession not by choice but by chance. After my degree my college offered me a job, and many of my senior teachers gave immense respect to me even though I was their student. That’s when I realised the beauty of this profession. I didn’t earn crores together but the respect I earned from colleagues, and students is priceless.

Lastly Brian Fernandes said that there is a movie made in 1970 on teaching profession. “It showcases a story of a person who enters teaching profession not by choice but by chance. However, soon he starts falling in love with the profession more and more with the passing day. Actually, this is the beauty of this profession.”

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Raksha Deshpande

The author is a postgraduate in Mass Communication and Journalism from Karnataka University, Dharwad. Her interests range from literature, history, travel to politics, and is keenly interested to write human interest stories and articles relating to literature, travel.

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