News Karnataka
Saturday, February 08 2025

Sachin Sandalwoodes Young Achiever

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“Editing is the backbone of a film. An editor is like a second director for a movie as he can make or mar a film.  Bad editing can mar a well-made film while good editing can elevate a badly shot film.  Editor and cameraman are the left and the right of a movie,”  says young film editor Sachin.  News Karnataka spoke to Sachin who edited the hit movie Simpallagondu Love Story.

Sachin is just 23 but has already carved a niche for himself. The editing, visual effects and colouring by Sachin have enlivened the movie.   The song Baanali Badalago is enough to reflect his creative bent of mind.  It’s indeed a visual treat. Not only that, he was involved with every stage of its production.

The beginning…
I have studied computer engineering. But I have been fascinated by films since my childhood. I came to the field with an ambition of becoming a director. But I learnt different works like editing, colouring technique etc. as this would make me a good director when I become one.  As I did not know anyone in the field, I gained entry as a technician. Knowing different crafts is a must for a good director. Then only he is able to give good movies.

The Simple… story
I came into contact with Sunil, the director of Simpallagondu Love Story two years ago. Then the movie was in scripting phase. We were good friends then, but later we worked together for the movie. This one film gave me the experience of working for 20 movies as Sunil has used our creativity to the hilt. He was very professional when it came to work.  That’s why we have a quality output today.

I am fortunate enough to enter the Kannada film industry. That too I am lucky to have worked for Simpallagondu Love Story.  I’m not telling this because the film is a hit. It’s a film of good persons.  It was a good team. All those who worked for the movie were like-minded and wanted to achieve something in the field. It may be Rakshit, Sunil or producer Hemant … There was a good camaraderie. We have made a good film, but the credit for its success goes to the audience.

Visual techniques
It’s sad to note that Indian film industry has not understood visual techniques properly. It can be films of any language. But the Hollywood which understood its potential has exploited the technique and hence making names world over. I want to give a good film using all the visual effects without compromising anywhere.

Other projects in hand
Currently, I have Bajar and Bahuparaak of Suvi Films, Half Mental of Lakshmi Dinesh and Ulidavaru Kandante under the direction of Rakshit Shetty in my hands. I am involved with all aspects of production for the first three movies and working as editor and colouring director of Ulidavaru Kandante.  For the time being, I don’t have plans to work for other language films, though I get an opportunity. I want to be associated with Sandalwood and I would like to contribute significantly to the Kannada industry.

Message to the newcomers
When you come to the industry, have just one thought in your mind ‘I have to achieve something and I will do it here.’ Because the industry is not a bed roses for newcomers. You have to struggle a lot. ‘I will do something come what may’, should be your outlook. You should be passionate about your work. Then only you can be in the field. But if you enter the field with the sole objective of making money, you will not last long here.  

Exploring potential
An artiste or technician should not be complacent. He should improve his creativity film by film. Then only he can grow. If I’m contented with my work in Simpallagondu Love
Story, my skill may stagnate. One should raise the bar for oneself every time.
May Sachin who has entered Sandalwood as an editor become a good director. May he earn a name. May he be an asset to the industry. May all his dreams come true. BEST OF LUCK.

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