Ninasam Manju, the director of Mookahakki has completed shooting for his next film Kanneri. Based on real events. The intriguing first look of the film was released by Nagathihalli Chandrashekar as he wished great luck to the film team.
“Kanneri is a woman centric subject based on real events,” says Ninasam Manju. The story is based on the Kodagu Didalli tribals protest. The line of the story is also taken from the book ‘Jenu – Akashada Aramane’ by Ksherasagara. The story responsibility of the film is taken care of by Kotinaganahalli Rammaiah.
The film is about what happened after the extermination of the tribal households and about how the women and children were are bullied and how their lives turned into a struggle. Archana Madhusudhan is lead artist in this film. The film’s cast includes many talented artists including Anita Bhatt, Arun Sagar, MK Matt and Kari Subbaiah.The film also involves shots of the the tribal people, to emphasize reality. Kanneri was shot in many parts of the state including HD Kotte and Kolar. Ganesh Hegde has done the camera work, Manikant Kadri has scored Music, Sujith Nayak has take the responsibility of editing. Currently the team is busy with post production work, and Kanneri’s promotional campaign will be starting soon as the first look has been released.