Chennai: The leading actress Nayanthara’s 75th film, tentatively called ‘Lady Superstar 75’, was officially announced last year. The movie will be directed by debutant Nilesh Krishna, Director Shankar’s Former Associate, and jointly produced by Zee Studios, Zaad Studios and Trident Arts.
The filming of Lady Superstar 75 kickstarted with a puja ceremony. Nayanthara and the other members of the cast were in attendance for the occasion.
The production house shared a special video of the muhurat puja.
Jai will be playing the male lead while Kumari Sachu, Karthik Kumar, K. S. Ravikumar, Redin Kingsley, Renuka, Sathyaraj, Achuthakumar, Suresh Chakraborty and Poornima Ravi feature in supporting roles. On the other hand, Thaman, Sathyan Sooryan and Durairaj came on board for the music, cinematography and art direction, respectively.