News Karnataka
Saturday, June 29 2024

Cocoa Crisis: Devastating Virus Threatens World’s Chocolate Supply

Photo Credit : News Karnataka

The future of one of the world’s most beloved treats hangs in the balance as a devastating virus threatens cacao trees in West Africa, the primary source of cocoa beans for chocolate production. According to a recent study published in PLoS ONE, Ghana’s cacao harvests are suffering significant losses—ranging from 15% to 50%—due to the rapid spread of Cacao Swollen Shoot Virus Disease (CSSVD).

Mealybugs, tiny insects, are responsible for transmitting the virus as they feed on infected trees, causing symptoms such as swollen shoots, discolored leaves, and stunted growth. This has led to a drastic decline in yields, with infected trees often dying within a few years. Shockingly, over 250 million trees have already fallen victim to this disease.

Benito Chen-Charpentier, a mathematics professor at The University of Texas at Arlington and co-author of the study, warns of the dire consequences this virus poses to the global chocolate supply. Efforts to control the spread of the virus have been challenging, as mealybugs are resilient to traditional pesticides.

Despite attempts to combat the disease by removing infected trees and breeding resistant varieties, Ghana has still suffered immense losses in its cacao trees. Vaccination appears promising but comes with its own challenges, including high costs and reduced cocoa production.

In their research, Chen-Charpentier and his team propose a potential solution: strategically spacing cacao trees to disrupt the movement of mealybugs. By planting vaccinated trees at specific distances from each other, farmers could impede the spread of the virus while managing costs effectively.

The researchers describe two models in their paper, which involve surrounding unvaccinated trees with vaccinated ones to create a form of “herd immunity” within the plantation. While these methods are still in the experimental stage, they offer hope for both farmers and chocolate enthusiasts worldwide, providing a means to protect crops and improve harvests in the face of this chocolate crisis.

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