News Karnataka
Friday, February 14 2025

UAE based Thiya Community elected their new governing body

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Dubai, Jan 6: Members of Thiya Samaj UAE held a meeting on Friday, Jan 31, to elect their office bearers for the year 2014. The meeting began at 12.00 noon with the traditional lighting of the lamp by the founder member Bisajakshi.M.P, followed by the opening and welcome speech by Dharmendra and the newly elected president Manish Karkera respectively. Premjeet has been unanimously elected as the new general secretary for the current year.

Manish Karkera while taking charge as the new president of Thiya Samaj, UAE, requested all the members for their whole hearted support and co-operation and sought guidance from senior members for the betterment of Thiya Samaj, in the days ahead. He also urged all members to encourage more Thiyas working/studying in the UAE to join the Samaj. He also highlighted that all members must provide up-to-date contact details and also inform the secretary if there are any changes in their information.

A new Thiya Samaj Facebook account has been activated and several photos and details have been uploadedon it.

The new managing committee informed all the Thiya Samaj to give their valuable feedbacks which would help the Samaj grow better. Also, the new managing committe requested members to kindly forward their bright ideas/suggestions regarding the events be it gathering/ Annual Picnic / Annual Pooja. Suggestions are also welcomed from the members as to how can we make our Samaj more active in the coming years.

Meeting was then followed by some fun filled games, soon after the games, the Samaj Members enjoyed a sumptuous lunch, along with lip-smacking Mangalorean dishes.


In his closing address, the President thanked Bhagya R. Kotian, Prema Chander and Lohith Karkera for making the required administrative arrangements and also thanked all the members for their valued presence.

Contact details: October 2014 (Dasara- Ayudha Pooja). Manish – 055 5530620 Prem — 050 8593732






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