News Karnataka
Friday, February 07 2025

Thiya Samaja UAE To Conduct Blood Donation Campaign

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Dubai: Thiya Samaja UAE have organized a Blood Donation Camp at Sheikha Latifa Hospital (former Al Wasal hospital), on 11th of July, 2013 from 7.30 PM to 9.30 PM.

Roshan Bolar, President of Thiya Samaja UAE announced that this was their Samajas long awaited dream to organize such an great event.

Highlighting about why one should donate blood:
Donating blood is nothing but “Saving a Life”…There are 650 children/adults who are suffering from rare disease (Thalassemia) and they need 75 units of blood per day. Other than this there are accident cases, heavy bleeding on daily basis including requirement for cancer/leukemia patients. They also need blood for other Emirates including Sharjah and Ajman. There is a huge need for more blood and it is our duty to save life by donating blood. Donating blood would also decrease the possibility of having heart diseases and strokes. It also activates the bone marrow to produce new blood cells.
Some Health Benefits
You will receive a mini physical to check your:
•         Pulse
•         Blood pressure
•         Body temperature
•         Hemoglobin
Common Questions and Concerns about Blood Donation
1. “I am afraid.
A lot of people are scared the first time, but after you make one donation, you will wonder why you ever hesitated. There is really nothing to it!  As Haley O Brien, one of the first 16 year-olds to donate blood in Pennsylvania stated, “Do it, get it done, it does not hurt!”

2. How many people donate blood?
Only 5% of the population donates blood.  If only 10% of the population would donate, it would very possibly eliminate all blood shortages.

3. Do you need my type of blood?
We need regular donations of ALL blood types. The rarest blood is the type which is not available when it is needed.

4. “Would you want my blood even though I have had an illness or am taking medication?”
If you have any doubts about your eligibility to donate, you can discuss them with someone from the Blood Bank staff.  Most people who feel they cannot give blood because of a medical condition or medication are surprised to find out they CAN donate safely for local patients.

5. “Do I have enough blood to spare?”

If you are healthy and weigh at least 110 pounds, you have 10-12 pints in your body and can easily spare one pint. You should be able to donate regularly every eight weeks without any problem.  The fluids in your body are completely replaced 24 hours after donation.

6. “I am afraid of getting AIDS through blood donation.”
There is no way you can be exposed to the AIDS virus by donating blood. All needles and equipment are pre-packaged, sterile and disposable. The blood bank is under strict regulation and nothing is ever re-use on another donor.

7. “I have low iron blood, can I still donate?”
A sample of your blood is checked before every donation. If your iron is low, we will ask you to donate at a later date.  Most of the time, low iron is only temporary. We will provide you with an “iron rich foods list” which will help to boost your iron to strong levels.

8. “I heard it hurts.  What can I do to be best prepared to donate?”
Most donors say they barely felt anything and they describe blood donation as a slight pinch on the inside of your arm. Eating a good meal and hydrating yourself with caffeine-free drinks helps to make sure your donation experience is a positive one.

9. “Will I feel weak for the rest of the day?”
Your body will begin to replace the blood you donated immediately. After some cookies and juice, most people resume their regular activities after donating.

10. “I am too busy to donate.”
We understand you are extremely busy.  One out of five people who enter a hospital will need a blood transfusion.   Blood donation is the act of giving life.  Although the whole process can take up to an hour of your time, it can provide an entire lifetime for a local patient.
For more details please contact:-
1) Premjeeth : 050 8593732
2) Vivek:  050 737930
3) Roshan:  050 6446028
4) Dharma:  055 9853744

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