Dubai : Monthi Fest, the festival of the Nativity of Mary was recently celebrated in a grand manner here under the aegis of Udenthichin Neketram, the Moodbidri Varado Catholic Association in UAE. The organization comprises of parishioners from 13 churches of Moodbidri Varado. The event held at the Apple International School premises here was participated by members of the organization in large numbers.
The ceremony began with children offering floral tributes to the grotto of Virgin Mary. They also thanked the Almighty for the Good Harvest. Members also participated in a grand Monthi Fest Feast on the occasion.
A variety of cultural programmes including comedy plays, skits, fancy dress contest as well as singing contests were organised.A variety of fun games including Housey Housey, Raffle Draw were also held. The President of the Udenthichin Neketram Praveen distributed the prizes to the winners.
Cyprian, Vice President of the organization proposed the vote of thanks. Joshwa, former president, compered the programme.