Doha:”Karnataka Sangha Qatar”, which is a nonprofit and service oriented organization mainly focused on noble activities such as social services, priority to charity events, work on humanitarian causes for the mankind,lend helping hand to people in distress and the under privileged.
It is one of the very prominent and vibrant association affiliated to Indian Cultural Centre-under the aegis of Indian Embassy has formed its New Committee for the year 2013-2015.
Deepak Shetty was elected the 8th president of Karnataka Sangha Qatar, Nagesh Rao was choosen as vice president, Mahesh Gowda as general secretary, H K Madhu as cultural secretary and Manjunath N as treasurer for 2013-2015,during its annual general body meeting held at Mumbai Hall, Indian Cultural Centre recently.
The election was conducted by the advisory panel comprising of founder president Satish Deshpande, and past presidents including Arvind Patil, Arun Kumar and V S Mannangi.
Its was the first time in the history of KSQ, election was held and more than 200 people took part in electing a president.
Past president, V S Mannangi thanked all members, committee members for their wholehearted support during his tenure and extended his support to the new committee led by Deepak Shetty.
Deepak Shetty in his speech stressed on the importance of being united irrespective of any kind of barrier and also shared his thoughts on increasing the membership and how to build KSQ as even more vibrant association.