Dubai: Kannada Geleyara Balaga UAE (Dubai) organized free yoga camp at Helix International LLC auditorium, here on Friday April 19.
Sky yoga Center – UAE trainers Kannadasan, Shiva Kumar, Vera Pandyan and Venugopal demonstrated the yoga postures to the camp participants to maintain jest for life in daily living in the chaotic life in metro.
The camp chief convener Basavaraj Salimata, Kannada Geleyara Balaga UAE (Dubai) office bearers Natarajayya, Raghavendra Negaloor, Tippe Swamy, Prashant Raghavendra, Jyotirmayee Prakash, Umesh Narayan, Eeranna Mulimani and others assisted in the camp.
Basavaraj Salimata thanked Helix International LLC lobour officer Manoj and camp boss Ratish K for allowing to hold the camp at their premises.