Dubai, Jan 28: The Jain Milan Dubai-UAE, the first international unit of Bharatiya Jain Milan will be inaugurated at India Club Auditorium, Dubai on January 31 at 11.30 am by Swasthi Shree Bhattaraka Charukeerthi Panditacharyavarya Maha Swamiji of Sri Jain Mutt, Moodbidri.
Veer D Surendra Kumar, National Executive President of Bharatiya Jain Milan will preside over the event. D Harshendra Kumar of Sri Kshetra Dharmasthala, Veer M.S. Mruthyunjay, President, Zone-8, Bharatiya Jain Milan, Veer K Prasanna Kumar, Executive President of the unit, Veer Pushparaj Jain, Secretary, Dr KS Jain, Astrologer, Dr BR Shetty, MD and CEO, NMC Group, UAE and David Frank Fernandes, CEO, Mosaco Shipping LLC, Dubai will be the chief guests.
Devakumar P, President of Jain Milan and Sandesh Jain, Secretary have requested all community members based in the Gulf to participate in the inaugural and be a part of the community development activities.