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Dr Austin & Terry awarded Lifetime Asian Humanitarian Couple

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Chicago: Dr Austin Prabhu and Terry were awarded the Lifetime Asian Humanitarian Couple Award, 2013 by the Asian Chronicle, USA during its 12th Annual Distinguished and Exemplary Awards 2013 presentation ceremony on Sunday November 24

Several other humanitarian leaders were honored with special awards are as follows:

Friend of Asian Americans 2013 went to George VanDusen, Mayor of Skokie.  Asian Model Awards went to: Nadirshah & Sehr Ali Family and Qasim & Nasim Gillani Family from Bangladesh; Tony & L Martha Baker Family from Indonesia; Michael & Jennifer Nguyen Family from Vietnam; Kee & Song Kwon received Pan Asian Model Family Award. 

Distinguished Young Asian Professional 2013 Awards went to: Mehpara Angelina Suleman MD & Dhamma Dharnavasi.  Exemplay Civic Service Awards 2013 went to: Bala Ghimere; George ChuiKhowaja and Thahani Salih. 

Asian Humanitarian 2013 Awards went to: Patchara Subanajouy; Pairoj Vongasvangisri; Zehra Quadri; Amarjit Singh, MD and Martino Wim Tangkar.  Eung Moon Park was awarded with Pan Asian Humanitarian Award.

Asian Philanthropic Award went to Yusiana Tan Basuki; Lifetime Asian Philanthropic/Humanitarian Award went to Albino Bismonte, MD.  Edward Kwanhun Rim was awarded with Asian Statesman/Philanthropic Award 2013.

Lourdes Mon, producer of Asian TV Chronicle was the emcee for the program along with Expo Taghap. All the awardees received US Presidents Call to Service Volunteer Awards 2013.  Dr. Austin & Terry received Lifetime Service Awards. 

About, Dr. Austin Prabhu and Terry, who were awarded with Lifetime Asian Humanitarian Couple Award, 2013 for their involvement in Lions Clubs International.

Austin, Austin has been an outstanding leader throughout his 27 years of Lionism.  We are delighted that a member of our club aspires to this high office. Our candidate is a hard working Lion, dedicated to service in Lionism. He has served at the Club, District, State and International levels doing an outstanding job at all levels.  Our club bestowed upon him a Life Membership from The International Association of Lions Clubs this year for his dedication and hard work for Lionism.
Lion Austin’s commitment to the principles of Lionism and to the service of those less fortunate makes him a great candidate for the office of Council Chairman, MD1. Our club has given its unanimous endorsement to his candidacy and asks for your support as well.  Currently he is a Sector Coordinator for Sight First II Campaign who stands third in sector wise total collections in the United States.
As a Governor and Vice Council Chairman, he showed his leadership skills in making special programs like Lions Open University, VisionFirst and Tsunami Relief Fund and made them great successful programs this year.  He is a visionary and a missionary to dedicate his service to Lionism.
Lion Austin was born in 1950 and has four brothers, lions Norbert, Stany, Melville and Felix, and three sisters, lions, Leonilla, Dorothy & Queenie who are also charter members of the Broadview Kala Sampath Lions Club.  He spread Lionism in his entire family and they have a total of 24 lions in his family.
He has been a resident of Forest Park since 1981 and has been married to his wife Lion Terry for twenty nine years. Together they have four children, Anita, Anil, Atina who are all lions and Angel who is a Leo.   Lion Austin is employed at Deltrol Corporation as a department Manager who earned Green Belt training from University of Illinois, Naperville Campus in Six Sigma Lean Manufacturing.  Lion Austin is a writer, actor, public speaker, publisher and a true leader with multi skills, knowledge and experience.
Lion Austin has volunteered in his home community of Forest Park for the past twenty one years.  He was the member of St. Bernadine Parish Council & School Board, Forest Park Neighborhood Watch, Friends of the Library, Forest Park Chamber of Commerce, Main Street and Forest Park Citizens Police Academy. 
Lion Austin was also two terms president of India Catholic Association of America, one time secretary of Federation of Indian Associations in Mid-America, Treasurer of The Federation of Indo-American Christian Associations of North America, Director of New Republic of India, International, Advisor of International Biographical Center, Cambridge, England, Editor and publisher of three local news magazines in India, chairman, Leadership Day Prayer Committee, Archdiocese of Chicago, etc.  His biography published in several national & international magazines and websites including Who’s Who in the World by Marquis, USA.

Terry, Lion Terry joined the Broadview Kala Sampath Lions Club as a Charter Member and since then has been on the Board of Directors, Vice-president, President, Co-Secretary, Membership Chair, Tail Twister, and has been the secretary of the club for the last 5 years and has maintained perfect attendence for the last 17 years. She has been District 1-A’s North Sector Coordinator covering and supervising the activities of 37 clubs for the last 5 years. She has been a Zone Chairperson for 4 years, USA-Canada Leadership Forum Chairperson for the last 7 years. When Gov. Austin was governor the last time, she served the district as 1st lady and when Gov Austin was elected as Vice Council Chair for Multiple District 1, she worked with Council Spouses by arranging various activities during Council meetings. The club has honored her with a Lions Club International Melvin Jones Fellow and a Lions of Illinois Foundation Fellow.
Broadview Kala Sampath Lions Club, chartered in 1996 merged with The Forest Lions Club in 2006 when The Forest was folding its charter thereby Founding of the Forest Kala Sampath Lions Club. Lion Terry was instrumental in this merger by chairing many committees. In 2008 Lion Terry received a Life Time Voluntary Service Award from United States President George Bush for her dedication and hard work in the Indian Community. She has also received several appreciation awards from many past district governors.

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