News Karnataka
Friday, February 07 2025

Amchi Gavelliers – Gavel Club Inaugurated in Dubai

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Dubai : The UAE Amchigele Samaj, as part of its initiatives to help children learn effective communication, inaugurated its very own Gavel Club -“Amchi Gavelliers”, on the 24th May 2013. This was the second initiative of the Development Activities subcommittee of the UAEAS.






As quoted by George Jessel (1898-1981, American actor) “The human brain starts working the moment you are born and never stops until you stand up to speak in public.” 

As rightly said , when one gets on to the stage, suddenly finds butterflies in his stomach; looking at the audience and as he tries to speak what he prepared, everything goes forgotten and becomes speechless.  Public speaking is one of the most dreaded and feared activities ever. To get up there, stand in front of a bunch of people, and try to give a great speech? Almost  impossible. And yet public speaking is one of the most needed abilities in our day and age.

Hence UAE Amchigele have taken up this initiative for their members and their children to be an active student of the Gavel Club and enhance their speaking power efficiently.

The Club Meeting started at 2pm with Srikala Prabhu being the Toastmaster of the Day. The President of the UAEAS, Shailesh Shenoy welcomed the 100 strong crowd comprising of the prospective Gavaliers and their parents. The members of the UAEAS managing committee were also present. The President said that the starting of this Gavel Club is realizing an old dream which he had long cherished for the children of the Samaj. He urged the Gavaliers to utilize this opportunity and realize and achieve their full potential. He thanked the Development Activities subcommittee and his colleagues on the managing committee for their efforts and support in starting of this club.

The counselors of the club, TM Sunil Shenoy, TM Mohan Kamath and TM Mahesh Prabhu addressed the gathering and shared their experiences on the benefits of effective communication with everyone present.

The Ice breaker speeches were given by Gavelier Smrithi Prabhu and Gavelier Meghana Bhat. Both the Young speakers were full of confidence and charmed the audience present with their speeches. These speakers were evaluated by Shruti and Yash from the Falcon Gavel Club.

The inaugural meeting had an educational session by DTM Uma Radhakrishnan, a  toastmaster for more than 11 years now. Mrs. Radhakrishnan spoke with emphasis on the art of evaluation and effective ways to encourage one to start and continue public speaking. CC/CL Ramnath conducted the other educational session on “Table Topics”. He did it in a very informal way which made the children to volunteer speaking on the table topics without realizing about it. Each and every one present in the hall thoroughly enjoyed this informal session.
The Club was formally inaugurated by cutting of the cake by the Club counselors, Sponsors and the DA team of the UAEAS. The programme ended at 4pm with snacks and tea served to all present.

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