News Karnataka
Friday, June 28 2024

Girl’s Nymphomania Linked to Repeated Rape, High Court Rules

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A man accused of raping a girl multiple times since she was ten years old has been denied bail by the Bombay High Court, which noted that the trauma of the horrific crime had turned the victim into a “nymphomaniac”.

In the ruling on Monday, a single bench of Justice Prithviraj Chavan stated that the crime is both offensive and shocking to the conscience of a prudent man, rejecting the accused’s bail plea.

The high court in its order verbatim quoted the 27-page diary written by the survivor describing her ordeal and said “words will fall short to describe her mental, psychological and physical state and the impact of the ordeal she had undergone at the hands of the accused.”

“The crime alleged to have been committed by the applicant is not only shocking to the conscience of any prudent man but is also obnoxious. Due to such horrendous crime, the survivor has turned out to be a nymphomaniac,” the high court said.

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