News Karnataka
Friday, June 28 2024

Mysuru Drenched in Summer Shower, Bringing Relief and Chaos

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Photo Credit : News Karnataka

Mysuru: The city of palaces, witnessed a dramatic shift in weather on Friday evening. After enduring sweltering heat, residents were greeted by a sudden downpour accompanied by gusty winds, thunder, lightning, and even a hailstorm.

However, the intensity of the rain brought both relief and disruption. While the cool down was welcome, many roads became inundated, causing traffic to crawl. Many residents found themselves caught unprepared, struggling to reach home in the sudden downpour.

The storm’s fury wasn’t limited to just rain. A tree on Dhanwantri Road was uprooted, damaging two auto-rickshaws. In other areas, strong winds bent electric poles, damaging a car. Near the steel factory on Manandwadi road, a group of electric poles collapsed, causing damage to a bus, a school bus, an autorickshaw, and several cars.

JLB Road also faced traffic blockages after another tree succumbed to the wind. Thankfully, police were quick to respond, placing barricades to prevent further vehicles from entering the affected area.

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