Madikeri: Yashoda Prakash, an accomplished filmmaker from Madikeri, achieves a notable milestone as her Kannada film ‘Kandeelu’ is selected for the esteemed 29th Kolkata Film Festival, scheduled from December 5 to 12. Yashoda, the lone female director from the district, not only makes a mark in the local film industry but also brings recognition to Madikeri on a national stage.
‘Kandeelu’ stands out as the sole Kannada film competing among films in various Indian languages at this year’s festival. Yashoda Prakash, a Madikeri resident, has previously directed and produced several films, including three in Kodava and five in Kannada, contributing significantly to the industry.
The plot of ‘Kandeelu’ unfolds in a village, narrating the story of a farmer and his family. Inspired by real-life tales, the film explores the essence of life amidst diverse challenges across different phases. Yashoda is confident that the movie will resonate well at the film festival, anticipating appreciation for its portrayal of life’s intricacies.
As the lone female director representing Madikeri, Yashoda Prakash not only elevates the cinematic landscape of the region but also becomes a trailblazer, showcasing the storytelling and filmmaking richness of this part of Karnataka. The inclusion of ‘Kandeelu’ in the Kolkata Film Festival adds another accolade to Yashoda’s achievements, and she aims for success in this prestigious competition.