The Coffee Board of India, under the leadership of Chairman M J Dinesh, is spearheading innovative strategies to bolster the Indian coffee industry and achieve its ambitious revenue target of nearly Rs 2 lakh crore. One such initiative involves setting up small kiosks across the country, franchised by the Coffee Board, to serve premium, locally sourced coffee varieties from estates across Chikkamagaluru, Kodagu, and other regions in Karnataka. These kiosks not only promote entrepreneurship but also require minimal financial investment, contributing to employment generation.
Moreover, spaces like the coffee museum in Chikkamagaluru play a pivotal role in educating tourists and coffee growers about the beverage’s history. However, it is conferences and meetings, like the World Coffee Conference held in Bengaluru last year, that foster innovation and growth in the industry. The conference, which garnered a Rs 16-crore investment from the government to promote Indian coffee, identified and trained numerous young entrepreneurs venturing into coffee-related startups.
Training programs organized by the Coffee Board are witnessing significant interest, particularly among young women involved in coffee growing, processing, and quality management. These efforts aim to equip growers with more effective branding, processing, and sales techniques to meet growing consumer demand.
Another trend gaining traction in the industry is the rise of estate-branded coffees, catering to consumers interested in the coffee’s origin and production details. To support growers further, the Coffee Board is planning initiatives to enhance yields, improve quality, and ensure better prices for their produce. Additionally, investments in research and development aim to develop borer-resistant coffee varieties.
The Coffee Board’s vision extends to doubling coffee production from the current 3.5 lakh tonnes to around 6 lakh tonnes in the next decade. These efforts, coupled with investments in infrastructure, research, and training, are poised to propel the Indian coffee industry to greater heights.
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