News Karnataka
Sunday, June 30 2024

Successful Rescue of Drowning Boy at Malpe Beach

New Project 2024 05 01t132045.712
Photo Credit : Google

In a commendable display of bravery and quick response, lifeguards at Malpe beach near the area managed to rescue a 12-year-old boy who was in danger of drowning in the sea.

Incident Details

The boy, identified as Shreyas from Chikkaballapur, was enjoying a day at the beach with his family when he got caught in the waves around 10 am on Tuesday, April 30. Despite the presence of vigilant lifeguards, he found himself slipping into the water, putting his life at risk. Thankfully, the lifeguards sprang into action promptly and successfully rescued him from the perilous waters. Following the rescue operation, he received immediate first aid and is now reported to be out of danger.

Challenging Conditions

The sea at Malpe displayed higher water pressure on that particular Tuesday, resulting in strong waves. Consequently, all adventure sports were prohibited as a safety measure, and lifeguards were actively preventing tourists from entering the sea. However, Shreyas somehow managed to enter the water and swim, necessitating his rescue by the vigilant lifeguards.

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