News Karnataka
Friday, June 28 2024

Council Polls: Ex-BJP MLA K Raghupathi Bhat to Contest Independently

Udupi Ex MLA K Raghupathi Bhat
Photo Credit : Google

Udupi: In another significant setback for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), former MLA and BJP leader K Raghupathi Bhat has declared his candidacy as an independent for the South West Graduates’ constituency. Addressing the media at his residence in Karamballi, Udupi, the former MLA pointed out regional imbalance in the ticket distribution for the June 3 Council elections in the state.

Bhat, who has been a three-time MLA from Udupi, expressed his disappointment at being denied a ticket to contest from the Udupi Assembly constituency in the previous assembly election.

Stating that his decision to contest as an independent is a reflection of his commitment to BJP workers, Bhat clarified that his candidacy is not an act of rebellion against the BJP. He stated that this election is not about choosing the Prime Minister or the Chief Minister. Even if he emerges victorious, he assured that it wouldn’t be a loss for the BJP, as he would continue to work as a dedicated party worker.

Bhat revealed that he had conveyed his grievances to BJP leaders, citing several unpleasant experiences, some of which he couldn’t disclose to the media. His intention, he stated, is to serve as an MLC.

Recalling the events of the 2023 Assembly polls, Bhat expressed his disappointment at being denied a BJP ticket to contest from Udupi at the last moment. He mentioned that he learned about this decision through news channels. Despite this, he campaigned for Yashpal Suvarna, acknowledging him as an efficient leader. Bhat also disclosed that he had declined offers from other political parties during that time.

“Initially  I was planning to retire from political life due to his dissatisfaction over the denial of a ticket, Bhat expressed his disappointment at the party’s decision to allocate the ticket to a leader who had recently joined the party, rather than a more established candidate like Yashpal Suvarna,” he said.

The BJP has already named Dr. Dhananjaya Sarji as the candidate for the South West Graduates’ constituency.

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