Mangaluru: A horrific incident unfolded on Friday, March 15, as a young woman, identified as Nazreen (18), fell victim to a brutal assault allegedly carried out by a young man named Salman (19), a resident of Attavar.
Nazreen is currently undergoing treatment in the intensive care unit of a private hospital, grappling with the aftermath of the vicious attack.
In a disturbing turn of events, the assailant reportedly attempted to target Nazreen’s family members after forcefully entering the hospital where she is receiving medical care.
Consequently, a case has been lodged at Pandeshwar Women’s Police Station in connection with the assault, yet Nazreen’s family voices frustration over the perceived lack of action from the authorities.
As the investigation unfolds, the community awaits justice for Nazreen and her family amidst shock and outrage over the heinous nature of the attack.
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