News Karnataka
Sunday, February 09 2025

Vented dam at Balepuni collapses

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Bantwal:Labourers engaged in the construction of a vented dam at Mudungarukatte in Balepuni village of Bantwal taluk luckily escaped unhurt as the under construction dam collapsed  on June 10, Monday.

Though authorities cite heavy rains as the reason for the collapse, local residents chose to blame the sub-standard works. They also alleged that the concretization of the dam was done in undue haste resulting in its collapse.

The dam was under construction at a cost of Rs 50 lakhs under a minor irrigation project to assist in irrigation works for local farmers. Reports said the concretization of one side of the bridge was done just on Saturday and the dam collapsed the next day.

Local villagers have now urged the authorities concerned to conduct a probe to find out if  the dam works are sub-standard.


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