In a distressing and tragic incident reported on Wednesday, the charred remains of three family members were discovered in their residence in J.P. Nagar. The deceased, identified as Sukanya (48) and her sons Nikhit (28) and Nikshit (28), hailed from Ambalapadi in Udupi.
Unfolding Tragedy in J.P. Nagar
The tragic event unfolded in their home situated in the third phase of J.P. Nagar, Bengaluru. Initial investigations led by South Division Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) Sivaprakash Devaraju suggest that financial difficulties may have compelled the mother to take drastic measures, potentially resulting in the deaths of her sons as well.
Financial Strain and Health Challenges
The family had been grappling with financial challenges exacerbated by Jayananda’s business losses during the COVID-19 lockdown. Sukanya had taken up tutoring to alleviate the financial burden, while also dealing with mounting debts. Additionally, one of their sons had discontinued his employment, further straining their situation. Jayananda’s health issues had left him bedridden, adding to the family’s challenges.
Tragic Events Unfold
According to reports, the tragedy unfolded when Sukanya allegedly locked herself and her sons in the hall after attending to her husband’s needs in the morning. Suspicion arose upon the discovery of electric cables attached to their hands, prompting an investigation into the circumstances surrounding their deaths.
Awaiting Post-Mortem Findings
While the exact cause of death remains under scrutiny, authorities await the results of post-mortem examinations to provide clarity on the tragic incident. DCP Shivaprakash Devaraju stressed the importance of awaiting these findings to determine whether the deaths were a result of suicide or if other factors were involved.
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