In a devastating turn of events, a family of four, including an infant, met with a fatal car accident while en route from Riyadh to Madinah for umrah pilgrimage. The heart-wrenching incident occurred on the outskirts of Riyadh, specifically in Zulfa, on Wednesday, leaving the entire community in mourning.
Victims Identified
The victims of this tragic accident are identified as Hiba (29), her husband Muhammad Rameez (34), their three-year-old son Aarush, and three-month-old daughter Raha. Hiba was the beloved daughter of Shameem and Zarina, residents of Haleyanady Thokur in Dakshina Kannada district.
Survivors and Details of the Accident
In the same unfortunate incident, Hiba’s relative, Fatima (19), sustained severe injuries and is currently undergoing treatment at a hospital in Riyadh. Miraculously, Isa, son of Hiba’s sister Lubna, who was also traveling with them, emerged unharmed. The family embarked on their pilgrimage journey after the Fajr Namaz on Tuesday, arriving in Riyadh later that night. However, tragedy struck as their vehicle collided with a road divider in Zulfa, causing it to veer off the road and flip over, according to sources.
Community Grieves
This heartbreaking loss has deeply impacted the community, as prayers and condolences pour in for the bereaved family. The memory of Hiba, Muhammad Rameez, Aarush, and Raha will forever remain in the hearts of those who knew and loved them.
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