Mangaluru: In a city where there are accidents happening every week, here is an incident when a student came forward to save the day and prevent yet another one, thus saving his classmate from what would otherwise be a rather tragic death.
The situation took place at the Kulai Sri Vishnumurthy Extension this Wednesday on the 21st of February when another youngster was crossing the bus, when the driver, totally unaware of his presence, began to take the bus forward.
Thanks to the student’s alertness, that led him to shout in such a way that he brought the bus to immediate stop, saving the life of the student who is now left with just some injuries for which he received immediate first aid.
There is a saying that a stitch in time saves nine, and this is one such incident where we owe it to the alertness of the student and in a way, the driver too, for his prompt action on the spot.
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