News Karnataka
Saturday, February 08 2025

MCC warns against water pilferage from main supply line

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Mangalore:  The Mangalore City Corporation has taken serious note of  the pilferage of water from the  main water supply pipeline which supplies 18 million gallons per day to the city.  The corporation  has directed all illegal tap connection holders to remove the same within  the next 15 days. The 1000 mm line supplies drinking water to Bendore and Panambur water filtration and reservation units from Thumbay pumping station in Bantwal taluk. MCC authorities said the  pilferage through  illegal connections came to light when water levels dipped alarmingly in the storage reservoirs. If this continues  then  the corporation may have to resort to water rationing.

It has been learnt that water is pilfered from the pipeline at Adyar, Berpugudde, Adyar Katte, Adyar panchayat Road, Somanath Katte Garage, Valachil, Kukkadakatte, Yashaswi Hall, Farangipet, Sujeer, Arkula minor Bridge, Farangipet Police Chowki, Maripalla, near Thumbe School, Mahalingeshwara temple, and others areas by residents and villagers.

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