News Karnataka
Sunday, February 16 2025

Kuvempu University VC Dr Bari Calls on Educationists to Equip Students at Globalization Era

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Mangalore, Mar 28: Sri Dharmasthala Manjunateshwara (SDM) Law College organized a special guest lecture on Challenges of higher education in India at BBM block auditorium, here on Thursday March 28 morning.

Dr Bari, vice-chancellor of Kuvempu University, Shimoga was the chief guest of the occasion.

Kuvempu University special officer Dr Mohan Ram and SDM Law College and Centre for Post Grade Studies and Research in Law – principal Dr B K Ravindra was the guests of honour.

Professor Mahesh Chandra Nayak felicitated Dr Mohan Ram at the same occasion.

Dr Bari in his special talk highlighted the key challenges of the education scenario in India.  He also spoke about the lineage of the modern education in India and the Macaulian tradition.  Then he focused his attention to the attempts made towards change of education ever since independence and the Various Commissions that were formed for the said purpose.  He also streamlined about the philosophy of education in the modern era.  Dr. Bari also raised an important issue of whether comparing education with other countries was truly right and justifiable. 

Dr Bari summed up the discussion by laying down a strategy to meet the changing needs of the global scenario through attitude, approach and integrity with a sense of commitment and sense of belonging by teachers, students and education providers.

Harshitha welcomed the gathering. 

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