News Karnataka
Monday, February 10 2025

Kerala Samajam celebrates onam in Mangalore

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Mangalore:The Kerala Samajam in association with Malabar Gold organized Onam celebrations in TMA Pai convention center in the city on 21st of September today.

Minister for forest, ecology and environment B Ramanath Rai inaugurated the colourful celebration.

Mnister Rai in his inaugural address said,Karnataka and Kerala states are inter linked since the Tulu Language which is one among the  Panchadravida language is also being spoken in Kerala. The other similarities are food, traditions and religious programmes.

He assured his support for the establishment of community hall by Kerala Samajam.

Urban development minister Vinay Kumar Sorake laso spoke on the occsion.
He said “Onam is a festival celebrated together by people of different caste, religion, language and states.”

He also said that Kerala has outcasted the other states in various fields like environment, resources, education and sports.

As a part of celebration, Athapookkalam (flower arrangement) and entertainment competitions were held.

Kerala Samajam president T K Ranjan, secretary V S Ajith Kumar, joint secretary M V Tajan, and others were present.

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