Mangalore: Karnataka Bank has secured the coveted “ISO 27001:2005” certificate of registration from NQA[National Quality Assurance] for its three I.T.set-ups encompassing the Information Security Management System (ISMS) at its Data Centre, Near line Site [NS] at Bangalore and Information Technology Department including the DR site [IT & DR] at Head Office, Mangalore. NQA is an internationally leading assessment, verification and certification body accredited to the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS).
P.Jayarama Bhat, Managing Director & CEO of Karnataka Bank received the certification from Ganesh Shastri, CEO of NQA India. Dinesh Shastri, Director of Digital Age Strategies, P.Jairama Hande, M.S.Mahabaleshwara Bhat, Dr.Meera B.Aranha, General Managers, Ananthapadmanabha, Assistant General Manager, Vyasprasad and Pradeep Rao U, Chief Managers were present on the occasion.
ISO27001: 2005 is a global standard which specifies a well documented Information Security Management System within the context of the organization’s overall business risks. It outlines the best practice for ensuring business continuity; minimize business damage by preventing and reducing the impact of security incidents in order to maximize business investments and opportunities. The certificate is valid for a period of three years.
“Achieving ISO 27001:2005 standards is a demonstration of Karnataka Bank’s seriousness about delivering quality systems through tested processes. While internally ISO standards provide focus and discipline to the technology initiatives of the Bank, externally it intends to bring confidence to our clients, partners and regulators about Bank’s security seriousness. ISO 27001:2005 certification is a confirmation of the endeavours of Karnataka Bank in the implementation of a comprehensive set of controls, based on best practice in information security, comprising of components such as confidentiality, integrity and availability, which are now assessed, validated and registered by NQA.
It is also a prestigious moment for Karnataka Bank as Our Bank is the first among the peer group Banks to get this certification” said P.Jayarama Bhat. It is also worth recalling here that Karnataka Bank had also bagged the “Best Risk Management and Security Initiative-II runner up” award from Indian Banks Association [IBA], during 2012-13.