On Friday, residents of Bilinele village in Kadaba taluk made a disturbing discovery while gathering firewood in the forest. They stumbled upon a human skull in a decomposed state within the reserve forest area. The finding, reported by Chandrashekhar, a local resident, has sparked concern and speculation in the community.
Chandrashekhar and his neighbors came across the skull along with a bag during their excursion. Adding to the eerie scene, a cloth was found hanging from a tree branch near the skull, intensifying the mystery surrounding the grim discovery.
The finding has prompted the attention of authorities, leading to an investigation by Kadaba police into the circumstances surrounding the presence of the human remains. Such discoveries often raise questions about potential foul play or tragic incidents that may have occurred within the forest.
As the investigation progresses, residents are left unsettled by the unsettling find, emphasizing the need for vigilance and caution when venturing into remote areas. The incident serves as a reminder of the inherent risks associated with exploring wilderness areas and the importance of safety measures to mitigate such risks.