Tragedy struck in Kulur on Friday, April 19, as a 29-year-old labourer lost his life in a harrowing accident. The victim, identified as Guddu Yadav hailing from Uttar Pradesh, met with a fatal fate after being struck by a tanker.
Reports suggest that the sequence of events unfolded when a bike collided with Guddu Yadav while he was walking as a pedestrian. The impact of the collision flung him onto the road, tragically placing him in the path of an oncoming tanker. Despite efforts to save him, Guddu Yadav succumbed to his injuries at the scene.
The incident led to a chaotic situation, causing traffic congestion in the area, which was eventually resolved by authorities. The traffic police have initiated an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the accident and have registered a case accordingly.
The untimely demise of Guddu Yadav serves as a stark reminder of the importance of road safety and vigilance while commuting. It also highlights the need for stringent measures to prevent such tragic accidents from occurring in the future. Our thoughts are with the family and loved ones of the deceased during this difficult time.