News Karnataka
Saturday, February 08 2025

Dynamic personality with a social concern- Pushparaj Jain, New chief of CREDAI Mangalore

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The Confederation of Real Estate Developer Associations of India (CREDAI), is an organization formed with the objective of safeguarding the interests of the builders and the  construction industry. CREDAI has as its members  a majority of builders in most of the cities of India including Mangalore. It frames rules, regulations and guidelines for builders and ensures that each member of CREDAI mandatorily adheres to these rules. Accordingly, all constructions by CREDAI Members have the stamp of quality. CREDAI also plays  a key  role in addressing the problems of  any of its member builders. That customers always prefer to own residential or commercial  spaces built by CREDAI members  itself reveals the faith and trust which the latter have in CREDAI.

The Mangalore chapter of the prestigious CREDAI now has a new President in Pushparaj Jain, Managing Director of the well-known Abish Builders in Mangalore.

Hailing from  Karkala in Udupi district, Jain  is a diploma holder in engineering. He began his career in Mangalore by starting the Jain Restaurant. Though he emerged successful, the shortage of labour made him divert to his area of inerest-the construction industry.

He founded Abish Builders and soon emerged as a successful  builder  through his quality projects and was considered a customer-friendly builder. In the year 2008, when Mangalore’s builders came together to form the Mangalore chapter of CREDAI- he joined it as a Member and further excelled in the construction industry by raising constructions in strict adherence to CREDAI guidelines. Now, within five years of joining CREDAI, he has rose to the position of its President.

“It will be my top most priority to redress the problems faced by CREDAI members during  my two year term,”says Pushparaj Jain who  is all set to infuse vigour and confidence among CREDAI members.

When News Karnataka asked his opinion  on the  notion  that the real estate scenario has seen a downward trend in the recent days,  Jain  said the real estate industry  in Mangalore is flourishing and set to soar higher particularly in the backdrop of several industries planning to set foot in the city which has earned international recognition.

Outlining his  plans as CREDAI  President, Jain said as at present, builders  were finding it difficult to offer sites to customers at an affordable rate mainly because of some of the  strict  rules enforced by the government for the builders. Presently, a builder has to pay  60 per cent of the revenue he earned from a building construction to the government by way of taxes. This being the case, the value of sites or buildings  will naturally increase and a builder finds it extremely difficult to offer sites at affordable rates to the middle income group, points out Jain. He further adds given the situation, CREDAI  team  will try to  draw the attention of the government towards the problems with a request to relax the existing  rules so that sites can be offered to customers at affordable rates.

Pushparaj Jain also points out towards some of the loopholes in the  town planning schemes of a city like Mangalore. The denial of permission for  high rise constructions  is one of the reasons for the sky rocketing price of plots in  urban areas, he  says and adds high rise buildings can be constructed  in minimum possible space.

Referring to the fact that  majority of the population of India does not own  sites, Jain  states that the CREDAI can offer sites to the  ordinary man at lower rates  if the new government acquires  unused non-agricultural land and hands it over to CREDAI.  As CREDAI is an organization with a social concern, its members can contribute to the development of the city, provided the government  clears the bottle-necks in the process,  he says.

To another question on the measures taken in the construction industry for the safety of the work force, Jain said CREDAI has its own set of  rules that ensure safety of the workforce in the construction industry. If any member of CREDAI fails to adhere to the rule,  then CREDAI has the authority to initiate disciplinary action. Such stern rules will ensure that all members give top priority towards protecting the interest of the labourers. Construction works are assigned to those companies which provide all safety mechanisms for its labourers, he informs.

Elaborating on his plans  to further improve the functioning of CREDAI during his tenure, Pushparaj Jain said presently CREDAI-Mangalore chapter has 38 members  and added efforts would be made to induct more builders as its members.  Jain also reveals his social concern when he says the society can progress when builders channelise a part of their earnings towards social welfare activities, instead of being merely profit minded.He assures that social service initiatives will be made by joining hands with CREDAI members during his tenure.

News Karnataka   while wishing the new CREDAI President Pushparaj Jain every success during his  two-year term,  hopes  the CREDAI-Mangalore chapter would  emerge as a pioneering organization which while furthering the cause of the builders would also contribute to social development, under the dynamic leadership of its versatile new Chairman.

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