News Karnataka
Wednesday, February 12 2025

Congress delegation succeeds in its second attempt to visit Niddodi

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Mangalore : A Congress delegation which was gheraoed  by villagers of Niddodi, a fortnight ago by brandishing brooms and slippers, was successful in its second attempt to visit Niddodi. On August 10, Satuurday, a Congress team led by PV Mohan visited Niddodi and inspected various places and the site where the proposed 4000 mw thermal project is supposed to come up.

The team also visited nearby villages including Muchur, Tenkamijar, Ashwathapura and Kallamundkur. The team members interacted with farmers as well as the representatives of the Mathru Bhoomi Samrakshana Samithi which is in the lead in the fight against the proposed project.

The Samithi told the Congress team that though 75 per cent of the land earmarked for the proposed project, was agricultural, a central team that had visited the village some time back, in its report had stated that it was barren land.

PV Mohan who led the delegation said his team would prepare an elaborate and factual report and submit the same to AICC as well as Union Minister Oscar Fernandes and request them to do the needful.

President of Kallamundkur Panchayat Joachim Correa, Mathru Bhoomi Samrakshana Samithi President  Alphonse D’Souza, Kiran Manjanbail, Convenor of the Samithi and several others were present during the visit of the Congress team.

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