Mangalore: Opposing the privetisation of the ICDS project and to fulfill the demands of the the CITU distict committee and state Anganavadi wokers association organised a potest in the Dakshina Kannada Zilla Panchayat this morning at 11 PM.
Addressing the protest, the protesters said that “the central government should cancel the proposal of privetisation of the ISDC nationwide. Instead of this, the central government should give more funds to the ISDC dept. and hence supply nutrious food to the needy pregnent women and children.
The Anganavadi workers are the ones to be deployed to various projects of the government. They are not given sufficient wages and other faciities. Their wages should be increased with immediate effect and the government should take measures to fulfill the demands of them. If the demands are not fulfilled, the union will organise a statewide protest.”