Bengaluru, once known for its pleasant weather, is now under scrutiny amidst its worst water crisis in decades and soaring temperatures reaching around 38°C. The city’s heatwave has prompted frustration among residents, fueling comparisons with Mumbai’s humid summer. The reality has dashed the hopes of millions of migrants drawn to Bengaluru for its supposed better weather.
The rising temperatures have reignited the age-old Bengaluru versus Mumbai debate, with social media platforms flooded with memes and discussions. Notably, Bengaluru’s warm nights now surpass even those of Delhi and Gurugram.
Despite Karnataka being among the first states to experience heatwave conditions this summer, other parts of the state are now feeling the impact. Bengaluru recorded its second hottest day in nearly a decade, with daytime temperatures reaching 37.2°C.
However, there might be relief on the horizon as the Indian Meteorological Department forecasts rain for Bengaluru on April 10 and 11. Whether these showers will alleviate the heat remains uncertain, but they offer a glimmer of hope amid the scorching conditions.