News Karnataka
Friday, February 07 2025

Ban Made Madasnana, demands Jagritha Vedike

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Newskarnataka – Mangalore

Mangalore: The controversial “Made Mada Snana” ritual that will be practiced on Sunday December 8, on the Champa Shashti festival at Kukke Subramanya temple, against which the Karnataka Rajya Hindulida Vargagala Jagruthi Vedike State President K S Shivaramu has strongly protested.

Addressing the media personals during a press meet held on Wednesday December 5, K S Shivaramu said, “The forum along with the like-minded organizations and seers heading different mutts will stage a protest in front of the deputy commissioner’s office on December 7.”

“The government should take steps to ban the evil practices like “Made Mada Snana” and “Pankthi Bedha”, he added.

Shivaramu urged, “When Siddharamaiah was the opposition party leader during the tenure of BJP government, he along with his party leaders had opposed the practice and severely criticized the BJP for not banning “Made Snana”, now the Congress government is in power and Siddharamaiah is the chief minister, therefore his government should take steps to ban the practice.”

K S Shivaramu along with the association insisted the government should introduce anti-superstition bill at the earliest, as the bill also proposes to ban the practices like “Made Mada Snana” and “Pankthi Bedha”.

CT Acharya, District President of the Vedike said the Vedike strongly deplored the fact that practices such as these have not yet been suspended in Kukke Subrahmanya and other temples in the state.

He stated, “The priestly class was doing all sorts of jugglery to oppose the Anti-Superstition Bill proposed by the government and which will prohibit such superstitious practices in the name of tradition.”

Recalling the opposition expressed by the Congress to the practice while it was in the opposition during the tenure of the previous BJP government, Acharya  urged the Congress which is at power in the state at present, to ban the practice of Made Madesnana.

Seers including Jnana Prakash from Urilinga Peddi Mahasamsthana, Basavaraja Devru from Revanasiddheshawara Mahamutt, Siddharamanandapuri seer from Muduthopure mutt, Thipperudrappa, activists from Samatha Sainik Dal, Dalit Snagharsh Smaiti, DYFI will participate in the protest.

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