Report:Mounesh Vishwakarma
Pics: Kishore Peraje
Bantwal: The teachers in primary schools had to delve into the mental level of their pupils to teach them effectively. However, the situation in an state-run school in Bantwal taluk of Dakshina Kannada district is quite diffrent from the rest, wherein the pupils had to teach their fellow studens in their classroom.
It is the school none other than Carla Higher Primary School that is located in the limits of Perne gram panchayat, near here which is facing the shortage of teachers and hence out of no choice the pupils had to become teachers. The school has a total strength of 99 from Class I to Class VII. It has just 2 teachers and the pupils are helping them in teaching.
Varijakshi is the head teacher of this school and Babu Gowda serves as a lone teacher, both are teaching the students of Class I to Class VII. The school was established by the state government in 1989 with basic amenities. The key issues lies in shortage of teachers and space constraint, owing to which the students of Class III and Class IV are sharing a classroom engaged in combined studies.
Lone teacher on Monday
In Carla School, if a teacher takes a day off for any reason, lone teacher has to manage the classes, which is what exactly happened on Monday July 16.
The school head teacher Varijakshi was on leave that was granted by department concerned, while lone teacher Babu Gowda had to manage all the classes in her absence. The state of affairs was realized when this reporter visited the school on Monday. The only teacher Babu Gowda had to manage classes from Class I to Class VII, to monitor the studies of all students, make arrangements to prepare mid-day hot meals etc. He had to be vigilant on students movements especially during rainy season. It was indeed pity on the teacher.
Poor school..!
The students from most-weaker section of the society are studying in this school, while out of their total strength of 99, SC/ST students are 54. The parents of students are concerned of quality of education. The school betterment Committee has long ago requested the education department ,addressing the issues of shortage of teachers. As per the state directive two assistants are employed to prepare mid-day hot meals.
The education department issues statement of not closing state-run schools, lay additional emphasis on quality education, seems not concerned of addressing the issue of shortage of teachers. If this is the situation, how would state-run schools managed efficiently?
BEO assures to appoint temporary teachers
When this reporter sought the explanation over the shortage of teachers at Carla School with BEO of Bantwal taluk, he said that he is aware of shortage of teachers in state-run schools, while the temporary teachers will be appointed on a priority basis at Carla School.