Mangalore : Mangaloreans, be cautious ..!! An uncovered drain is waiting as a death trap for you near the State Bank Circle where buses halt.
This is no joke…Already several have tripped at this place and have broken their limbs. God save those who land directly into this drain. The concrete slab cover this drain was removed about two years ago to facilitate side drain works. Ever since then, it is lying wide open and the MCC authorities have been turning a blind eye to the same.Though the nearby shopkeepers have brought the matter to the notice of the MCC, so far none have bothered. People who pass through this place, do not forget to curse the MCC for its lackadaisical approach. As if the problem is insuffice, an electric pole is in a dangerous position nearby.
When the matter was brought to the notice of the local corporator Latif, he said though he is yet to take charge as a corporator, he would ensure that the open drain is covered by concrete slabs in two days. The MESCOM authorities have also been requested to shift the electric pole, he said.
But what if someone falls into this death trap during night time, well before the drain is covered ?? Well, Corporation officials themselves have to answer this question.