Bengaluru police have apprehended a 29-year-old woman from Rajasthan for her alleged involvement in stealing laptops from multiple paying guest accommodations across the city since 2022.
According to Bengaluru Police Commissioner B Dayananda, the suspect, identified as Jassu Agarwal, was apprehended with 24 laptops valued at ₹10 lakh.
Providing insight into the thefts, the Police Commissioner stated, “A laptop, charger, and mouse were reported stolen from a rented house under the HAL police station, leading to a case being registered at the HAL police station in October last year.”
After thorough investigation, the accused was arrested and extensively interrogated, leading to the recovery of the stolen laptops. The thefts included cases from Koramangala and Indiranagar, with three laptop cases reported from each area.
The modus operandi of the Rajasthan woman involved targeting paying guests in localities around software company hubs and PG areas such as Tin Factory, Marathahalli, Bellandur, Silkboard, Hebbala, Whitefield, Mahadevpur, among others.
Further investigation revealed that the stolen laptops were being sold to laptop shops in Marathahalli, Yelahanka, and Hebbal by the accused.
The successful resolution of the case against the accused was credited to the diligent efforts of Deputy Commissioner of Police, Whitefield Division, Sivakumar, under the guidance of HAL Police Inspector and other officials.